
People Become Less Religious when They Depend on the State for Hand Outs

The 'exchange model' of religion postulates that, if people can get their needs, such as health care, education or welfare, met by the government, they’re less likely to turn to a divine power for help. Those in need who receive "free stuff" from the government are separated from the giver and develop a sense of entitlement instead of gratitude. [...]

California: Orange County Supervisors to Spend $90 Million on Homeless Problem Amplified by Illegal Aliens

Hundreds of homeless people will be relocated to tent cities in high-end communities that include Irvine, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Niguel. [It is predictable that, the more money is taken from working people with homes to pay for unemployed people without homes, the fewer working people there will be and the more homeless there will be. The process will continue until everyone will be dependent on the state for homes and food and health care and jobs and ....

Millennials Not Saving for Retirement, Believing Government Will Take Care of Them

Two-thirds of Millennials who were polled said they have saved nothing for retirement. Many believe they do not need to save because capitalism will be abolished and replaced with socialism, which will take care of their needs. [In other words, they are passively preparing to live on the plantation.] [...]

Learn How War Is Used To Clear The Books Following A Financial Crash

Stefan Molyneux explains how the US government's addiction to spending now can only be stopped through collapse followed by war. This is a brilliant overview of history and human nature as they relate to the economic collapse of unrestrained governments. There is no way to adequately summarize this presentation except to say that it is loaded with hard data and sound logic that leads to the conclusion that the world is headed inexorably into economic collapse and war. Molyneux's analysis may be wrong, but it should not be dismissed as impossible.

Each Resettled Refugee in the US Costs Taxpayers $15,900 Per Year

A new study shows that each refugee costs US taxpayers $79,600 for the first five years of an average refugee’s stay, which breaks down to $15,900 per year. This includes Medicaid, Food Stamps, public education, public housing, and other government benefits. The US accepts 50,000 to 100,000 refugees per year and 20,000 to 50,000 political-asylum-seekers per year. Most of them arrive here without financial resources, and the American taxpayer is required to feed, clothe, and shelter them in addition to funding job-training programs.

26-Year Old California Mayor Proposes Universal Basic Income Free Money as Solution to Poverty

California: Michael Tubbs, the 26-year old Mayor of Stockton, will provide a universal basic income ($500 per month) to low-income residents. Stockton was the largest city in America to claim bankruptcy during the financial crisis. Critics fear it will create a welfare state. [Stockton already IS a welfare state. We predict that, when the 'experiment' is finished, it will be seen as a colossal failure, but those who are well paid to administer the welfare state will claim that the only reason it failed is that $500 was not enough.

UK Appoints ‘Minister of Loneliness’

The tradition of a close-knit family has been shattered by the collectivist mindset that now dominates the British culture. Nine-million people, 14% of the population, are without regular contact with close friends or family, which makes them lonely, indeed. A study of this problem concludes it has been brought about by welfare, anti-family feminism, and public housing. The government is launching a massive program to solve this problem. [How? By more of the same that caused it, of course.] [...]

With Tax Bill Looming, GOP Takes Aim At Anti-Poverty Programs

While tax experts continue to exclaim with horror as they sift through the “legislative monstrosity” Republicans rammed through the Senate last week, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday hosted a Facebook live event aimed at detailing the next steps in the fight against both the GOP’s tax plan and the party’s broader economic agenda.