Here’s The Latest Sign Americans Are Going To Eat Bugs And Be Happy

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | December 15, 2022 The latest sign Americans will one day be eating insects is that a top bug producer announced Tuesday major expansion plans in North America. French insect producer Ÿnsect signed two agreements to expand production facilities in the US and Mexico in 2023. The company “entered an accelerated […]

Dutch farmers battle technocratic forces driving them into oblivion

Dutch farmers are in open struggle against a cartel of multinational corporations, Davos-aligned parties and NGO’s seeking control over the global food supply. “They are sweeping the culture from the land,” a farmer laments. HEERENVEEN, NETHERLANDS –– The Netherlands is a patchwork of quaint towns and cities interwoven with flat expanses of immaculately-kept green agricultural pasture. The road and rail infrastructure are near-flawless. You could search for weeks without finding a pothole. It is one of the most expensive countries […]

Beyond the Hype: How Neuralink Advances the Transhumanist Agenda and Harms Innocent Animals

As Elon Musk announces human trials for the Neuralink brain implant, the company has come under scrutiny for claims of animal abuse, as well as advancing the Transhumanist agenda. On November 30, Elon Musk’s Neuralink company unveiled the specifics of how their brain implant will work and revealed they expect to begin human trials within Read More...

Transhumanism, Biotech & Nanotech: Jason Bermas & Jay Dyer (Half)

Jason Bermas joins me to cover one of his areas of specialty as a researcher, the subject of trans humanism from the documents and white papers that cover the implementation of these technologies. Can we actually “transcend” the limitations of being human, or is there a more sinister plan behind the propaganda? The full show […]

Climate lockdowns coming? You will be tracked in your suburb and happy about it.

By Jo Nova | December 3, 2022 The 15 Minute City is a UN and WEF plan, because they care about you want you to drive less. A cartoon from the WEF just for you good girls and boys: In the WEF’s own words — this rearrangement of cities is absolutely about climate change: As climate change and global conflict cause shocks and stresses at […]

War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable’ UN Agenda 2030

By F. William Engdahl | Global Research | December 1, 2022 Over the past weeks a coordinated all-out assault on our agriculture—the ability to produce food for human existence—has begun. The recent G20 governmental meeting in Bali, the UN Agenda 2030 Cop27 meeting in Egypt, the Davos World Economic Forum and Bill Gates are all […]

Under the influence: Sunak and the Net Zero zealots who surround him

By Stephen McMurray | TCW Defending Freedom | December 1, 2022 Who are the people fuelling the British government’s obsession with Net Zero, an obsession that is fast leading to the country’s economic destruction – to ‘zero energy supplies, zero growth, zero food and zero hope’ as Stephen McMurray put it in TCW yesterday. The first part of his investigation […]

The collapse of FTX is an embarrassment for globalists

By Lucy Wyatt | TCW Defending Freedom | November 23, 2022 The spectacular crash of FTX, discussed in TCW yesterday, is developing into a scandal of epic proportions. On Friday November 11 FTX filed for bankruptcy, owing in excess of $3.1billion to more than a million customers, including major institutional investors such as BlackRock and Sequoia Capital. […]