WEF Targeting Independent Media Despite The MSM And Biden Regime Pushing The Most Disinformation Since 2021 - The WEF Annual 'Global Risk' Report Lists Mis & Disinformation AKA 'The Truth'

WEF Targeting Independent Media Despite The MSM And Biden Regime Pushing The Most Disinformation Since 2021 – The WEF Annual ‘Global Risk’ Report Lists Mis & Disinformation AKA ‘The Truth’, As Number One Societal Risk

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: During the whole Covid fiasco where state leaders and federal leaders implemented policies, such as lockdowns, closing of businesses deemed “non-essential,” vaccine mandates, limits on gatherings within private homes, forced masking and social distancing, it was Independent Media, collectively, that warned of government overreach, the dangers of experimental vaccines […]