wealth tax

Western future – Taxes and Regulations

Not only the US but the entire Western world is in trouble. President Biden, the self-proclaimed “adult in the room,” has undeniably declining mental faculties, appearing outright senile during some events. His administration consists of left-wing radicals driven by Machiavellian lust for power and disdain for its citizens. The Democrats feared a red wave taking […]

What Will Happen To Big Tech If Trump Loses In November?

All the big tech companies are hostile to a Trump victory in November, and none of them is trying to hide it, indeed shadow banning, marginalising and worse of pro-Trump pundits is overt. In October 2007, long before Trump coined the appellation “Crooked Hillary”, John Edwards, a fellow Democrat, commented cynically on her duplicity, suggesting she adopt what he called “tell the truth mode”.

The NeoCon Wing Of The Democratic Party Is Beginning To Grapple With The Reality That They May No Longer Be In Charge

Over the weekend, the New York Times reported that billionaire class avatar Michael Bloomberg "did not rule out" spending a billion dollars of his own to defeat Trump-- even when its clear he's not going to be the nominee-- and even if Bernie or Elizabeth is the nominee.

Multi-Millionaire Nancy Pelosi warns “Fellow Leftists”: Medicare for All is a Very Bad Idea

Speaking at a roundtable of reporters and editors at business network Bloomberg November 1, Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a strong message for Bernie Sanders and other Presidential nomination hopefuls who endorse Medicare for All: “What are you thinking?!” The 79-year-old Californian characterized the idea as virtual political suicide, claiming that it may poll well in liberal circles but will fall flat in battleground states crucial to securing a 2020 victory against the i

2020 Democrat Candidate Elizabeth Warren Unveils Her $52 Trillion ‘Medicare for All Plan’ and Makes the Unbelievable Claim that Taxes Won’t Be Raised on the Middle Class

Warren proposes to pay for the multitrillion-dollar program by increasing her “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” slashing defense spending, providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and mandating an “Employer Medicare Contribution"

Sheldon Adelson vs Bernie... Plutocracy vs Democracy

A nexus of pure, unadulterated evil-- Trump and the AdelsonsSheldon Adelson bought the biggest newspaper in Las Vegas for 140 million dollars. His net worth is something like 32 billion dollars and he represents the interests of the far right Likud Party among Republicans in the U.S. His bribes to Trump are over $25 million. He gives immense sums to Republicans in Congress.