
4 Awesome Tools for a Whole-Body Fluoride Detox

Fluoride is undoubtedly one of the hardest toxins to avoid completely as it appears in both drinking water and countless food items. Fluoride is also present in popular prescription drugs i.e. Prozac, among other places such as swimming pools and hot tubs. So what is one to do? You can certainly take measures to avoid fluoride exposure, but that isn’t all; try utilizing one of the 4 fluoride-detox solutions below.

5 Surprising Ways to Use Recycled ‘Garbage’ for a Better Organic Garden

Growing your own organic food is extremely gratifying, but adding recycling to the mix is like winning the lottery two days in a row. When you mix the self-sustaining practice of growing your own food with the environmentally supporting habit of recycling, you are helping the world two-fold, and you get some tasty offerings in the process.
Here are 5 ways to incorporate recycling into your gardening habit:

Why 25,000 Detroit Residents Will Soon Have Their Water Turned Off

The city of Detroit may be bankrupt financially, but moral bankruptcy abounds as well as city officials began handing out notices to as many as 25,000 residents to tell them that they have ten days to pay or their taps will be turned off.
“We want the water shut-offs to end. Period. End of story,” says DeMeeko Williams of the Detroit Water Brigade.

Big Wine Fails to Dry Farm During California’s Relentless Drought

SONOMA COUNTY — in the heart of California’s Redwood Empire — California Governor Jerry Brown spent this year’s Earth Day at the elite Iron Horse Winery in the Sebastopol countryside. It was a great photo opportunity and promotion for the winery. Iron Horse is known for donations to President Bill Clinton and other politicians, with whom it has cozy relationships, and from whom it receives favors, such as these visits. I operate a small berry and apple farm nearby and teach sustainable agriculture, mainly to college students.