
Greg Sargent looks at the real story of widespread compliance with the Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage

The great Mike Luckovich drew this glorious cartoon back when legalized same-sex marriage came to Massachusetts. As marriage equality gradually (but, in the grand scheme of things, remarkably rapidly) became the law of the land, homophobes surely continue to wish desperately that same-sex couples would "act a little scarier.""Given that the ruling happened only a couple of months ago, things are going exceedingly smoothly.

Is there anything besides crackpot ineptitude that can save us from a two-year nationwide Reign of Far-Right-Wing Terror?

This is a Washington Post map from November 5 of the partisan breakdown of state-legislature control following the 2014 election. [Click on it to enlarge.]by KenWhen I went to retrieve a washingtonpost.com piece that had sent chills through me over the weekend, I wasn't surprised to find that Greg Sargent had taken note of it too.

Whether "Miss Mitch" McConnell is simply lying its head off or is actually mentally incompetent, it has become a clear-and-present danger to the Republic

Now that the slimeball Senate minority leader has abandoned even the pretense of any obligation to reality or truth, he really has become a danger to everyone in the country.by KenNow that "Miss Mitch" McConnell has established itself as the most dishonest and incompetent creature ever to occupy a position of authority in the U.S.