
Attempting to un-censor my letter to the editor, College of Charleston’s campus newspaper, “CisternYard”

Awhile ago the pro-Israel editor of the College of Charleston’s online campus newspaper published two articles containing offensive accusations against me — one even before I spoke on campus and one afterward.
The newspaper has now finally posted my response – but it isn’t listed in any of the website’s menus; standard practice would be to list it in the Opinion section.

Bill Keller Was Wrong About Iraq, But We Should Heed His Calls For War in Syria

Bill Keller’s piece in The New York Times yesterday got a lot of attention, and for all the right reasons. The absurdity of the piece wasn’t lost on most people: Keller lays out how terribly wrong he was for supporting the Bush administration’s war of choice in Iraq, and is now asking readers not to collapse in laughter as he speaks with an air of authority on why we should invade, or at least bomb, Syria.

Antiwar.com Newsletter | May 5, 2013


  • Top News
  • Opinion and analysis

This week’s top news:
Hagel: US Considering Arming Syria Rebels: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel became the first US official to admit that the administration is "rethinking" its previous decision not to arm Syria’s rebels directly, though he insisted that no decision had been made and this was just one option being considered.

Bases, Wars, Programs: NATO General Visits Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

May 2, 2013
Deputy Commander Visits Bahrain, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates
Written by Robin Michelle Barnett
General Bieniek…encouraged Bahrain to develop the Individual Partnerships Cooperation Programme (IPCP), an entry level programme available to all partners.