
Who are the real warmongers? Probably not who you think.

John Bolton. Mike Pompeo. The US warmongering senators of the past and now. The late John McCain. American colonialists or imperialists. All of these people are no doubt getting absolutely lambasted today and in coming days as warmongers, in the news surrounding the apparent downing of an American Navy RQ-4A Global Hawk in the area near the Strait of Hormuz early Thursday morning, local time. The only problem is that they are not the real warmongers. The real warmongers are far, far worse than any of the named people above.

Idiot of State: Pompeo Accuses Iran of Missile Test That Could ‘Strike Europe’

Mike Pompeo has dedicated much of his tenure as US Secretary of State angling for war with Iran. This latest stunt is an example of his brand of reckless, high-stakes, geopolitical idiocy…

You are an idiot of the highest order. Quite possibly the stupidest US Secretary of State in the history of United States of America…. https://t.co/nDxqlVmCqP
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) November 30, 2018

Stephen Cohen DEMOLISHES neocon tool Max Boot on CNN (Video)

Russia scholar Stephen Cohen absolutely destroys neocon pundit Max Boot after Boot called Cohen a “Russia apologist” on CNN.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the two men if the American public should be concerned about US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin having a two-hour meeting behind closed doors during a summit in Helsinki, with only their two interpreters to witness the meeting.

Out of Control: Netanyahu’s Theatrical ‘Iran Lied’ Dossier

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a Monday prime-time performance for the world – but it was probably only meant for an audience of one: U.S. President Trump.
Bibi’s theatrical show, complete with cartoonish slides and magician curtains, was billed as Israel’s smoking gun ‘dossier’ on Iran’s ‘secret nuclear program’ in defiance of the 2015 nuclear deal that Trump is expected to make a decision on later this month.

Hillary-The-Hawk Flies Again

“Hillary works for Goldman Sachs and likes war, otherwise I like Hillary,” a former Bill Clinton aide told me sardonically. First, he was referring to her cushy relationships with top Wall Street barons and her $200,000 speeches with the criminal enterprise known as Goldman Sachs, which played a part in crashing the U.S. economy in 2008 and burdening taxpayers with costly bailouts. Second, he was calling attention to her war hawkish foreign policy.

Unethical Sensationalist Bloggers and YouTubers Capitalize on Russian and Chinese Fears of US Military Attack

Please, don’t pay any attention to the fear mongering sensationalists posting headlines like; “OFFICIAL WARNING – U S to hit RUSSIA with FIRST STRIKE – PREPARE NOW“ These people are only wanting to scare you for website hits and YouTube views. Although there is a kernel of truth to these type of headlines, they have been…