
Coming This 2022: Refugees, Democracy and Human Rights

Although 2021 is now behind us, there are many issues that will linger for a while, or much longer, and will certainly dominate much of the news in 2022, as well. These are but a few of the issues. NATO-Russian Brinkmanship  Exasperated with NATO expansion and growing ambitions in the Black Sea region, Moscow has […]
The post Coming This 2022: Refugees, Democracy and Human Rights first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Israel’s New Air Force Head Talks Scared and Tough on Iran: He Has Little Reason to be Either

Two things prevent an all-out war between Israel and Iran. The first is that Israel knows that attacking Iran will end in a total Israeli defeat. The second is Iran's exercise of discipline in the face of ongoing threats by both the U.S. and Israel.
The post Israel’s New Air Force Head Talks Scared and Tough on Iran: He Has Little Reason to be Either appeared first on MintPress News.

The Many Ways War Is Poisoning Us

When we wage war, we dehumanize – then kill – a specific segment of humanity. In the process, we “fray” our own humanity. War spews hell in all directions. Just ask the guys at Talon Anvil, a secret U.S. “strike cell” recently exposed by the New York Times as a unit with a reputation for ignoring the rules of engagement and killing[Read More...]

The Hounding of Julian Assange Leaves Honest Journalism with No Refuge

It is no accident that Julian Assange, the digital transparency activist and journalist who founded Wikileaks to help whistleblowers tell us what western governments are really up to in the shadows, has spent 10 years being progressively disappeared into those very same shadows. His treatment is a crime similar to those Wikileaks exposed when it […]

“Four Meals from Anarchy”: Rising Food Prices Could Spark Famine, War, and Revolution in 2022

The political consequences of hunger are profound and unpredictable but could be the spark that lights a powder keg of anger and resentment that would make the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests look tame by comparison.
The post “Four Meals from Anarchy”: Rising Food Prices Could Spark Famine, War, and Revolution in 2022 appeared first on MintPress News.

‘Set It All On Fire’: The Answer to Planetary Chaos is Closer Than You Think

First published in New Dawn magazine: ‘Strange days indeed’ sang John Lennon, and one can only ‘imagine’ what a man at the forefront of creating positive planetary change in his day would have made of where we are now? Because these are indeed extraordinary times in which the very foundations of everything we collectively believed to be ‘how things are’ […]

Recent Bovard Freedom Quote JPEGs

Here’s a round-up of some JPEGS with my quotes from the last year or so.  Thanks to everyone who made these images – including Bryan Baucom, Tony Smith, Bob Smilie, Natalie Fawn Danelishen, Frank Monaco, Libquotes.com, and the various Internet quote sites.  If you made one of these quote Jpegs and I neglected to include […]
The post Recent Bovard Freedom Quote JPEGs appeared first on James Bovard.