War on syria

The EyeOpener Report- Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, Syria & the Kurdish Question

Syria is once again the center of attention with Washington and Ankara agreeing on "ISIS-free zones" that each partner is interpreting in its own way. Joining us to explore those interpretations is Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com, just back from the region with intel on a possible timeline for increased military action in the country. In this conversation James and Sibel discuss Turkey's battle against the Kurds and how the Kurdish population are being used by the US and Israel as pawns in a complex chess game.

President Bashar al-Assad: “This Homeland is ours and defending it is our duty”

Bashar al-Assad said Sunday that the West still deals with terrorism in a hypocritical way.

Talking before heads and members of public organizations; vocational syndicates; and chambers of industry, trade, agriculture and tourism, President Assad added.. they call it terrorism when it hits them, and revolution, freedom, democracy and human rights when it hits us.

REICH WATCH, E3; How Britain Secretly Wages War On Middle East & African Republics Via British Crowned Arab Monarchies & Their Proxy Terrorists

(AE) - The war on the Middle East and Africa explained in 30 minutes… using history and maps… including a look at drone base locations and expanding wanton drone attacks…. ending with a brief overview of “British Israelism”, the White Supremacist, racist, anti Jewish, anti Christian, and anti Muslim, false ideology which is the driving force behind the fascist march toward One World Government (Universal Fascism), also known as the New World Order (NWO).

WAR ON TURKEY; Erdogan Makes Further Break With NATO, Bombs NATO’s Al Qaeda Terrorists Inside Syria, Visits Iranian ‘Brothers’

(AE) – As soon as Erdogan stopped obeying the orders dictated to him by NATO’s Supreme Commander he was immediately subjected to Western orchestrated demonstrations, EU threats, Turkey’s EU membership blocked, a corruption probe, and most recently an economic attack on the Turkish Lira.