war propaganda

The West Dethroned

The World is No Longer Willing to Go Along with the West’s Lies & Murderous Ways
“The European race’s last three hundred years of evolutionary progress have all come down to nothing but four words: selfishness, slaughter, shamelessness and corruption.” –Yan Fu

The US Government Stands Revealed to the World as a Collection of War Criminals & Liars

The Criminal Regime Has No Evidence- Only Made Up Fairy Tales
Does the American public have the strength of character to face the fact that the US government stands before the entire world revealed as a collection of war criminals who lie every time that they open their mouth? Will Congress and the American public buy the White House lie that they must support war criminals and liars or “America will lose face”?

The High Cost of Saving Face for Obama

Will Congress Now Save Obama’s Face By Selling Out Democracy and the Syrian People and Setting the Stage for World War III?
As I observed in previous columns, Obama was pushed out onto the end of the limb by Israel and the neoconservatives. The UN, NATO, the British Parliament, and the rest of the world left the White House Fool there, out on the limb where Israel put him, to make war on Syria all alone.