War with Iran

Another Stupid War

All I wanted to do this week was work on part 2 of my localism series, but circumstances quickly got the best of me. The assassination of Iran's top general Qassem Soleimani was an event of such historical significance, I feel obligated to detail my thoughts on what it means and how things unfold from here, especially given how much of a role geopolitics and questions of empire have played in my writings.

The Ochelli Effect – Diagnosis Fundamental Comprehension Dysphoria

Download episode From Ochelli.com Booms, Busts, Bears, Bulls, Babbling Blowback. Gold Rush Provocation Theater? Mike Swanson started off Tuesday’s Ochelli Effect with a discussion on markets and trends in current circumstances. Chuck answers with his idea about the Baseball Card market in the past. Are all casinos created equal? Is gold and silver the best […]

With the US-Iran War Ball Now Rolling, Could an “Accident” or “False Flag” Serve as Pretext?

As tensions between the U.S. and Iran threaten to boil over, the probability of a provocation or “accident” that would provoke hostilities between the two countries is higher than ever. U.K. Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, openly stated as much on Monday, telling reporters in Brussels that the U.K. was worried of a conflict breaking out between the U.S.

Intelligence Veterans Warn of Growing Risk for War With Iran Based on False Pretexts

(CN) — As President Donald Trump prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans offers corrections to a number of false accusations that have been leveled against Iran. MEMORANDUM FOR:  The President FROM:  Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT:  War With Iran INTRODUCTION In our December 21st Memorandum to you, we cautioned that […]