War and Conflict

China Denying False Claims Is ‘Evidence’ of COVID-19 Cover-Up

China is being put in a no-win bind. It is accused of misleading the world over the Covid-19 outbreak, which is in turn prompting demands for financial compensation. The United States, Britain, France and Australia have pushed this narrative. Demonization of China involves claims that Beijing has fomented disinformation about the pandemic.
The publicly documented timeline of the pandemic confounds this “blame China” narrative. So too does the disproportionate mishandling of the crisis in the U.S., Britain and Europe.

Jasenovac – the Glossed Over Auschwitz of the Balkans

Unfathomable as that may appear, yes, it was quite possible for the second-ranking slaughterhouse in Europe in recent memory to have slipped off the radar screen. Even such a renowned authority as Professor Gideon Greif is having an exceptionally difficult time of it in trying to put it back on.
Precisely because it has not been the theme of any Hollywood spectaculars, Jasenovac does not attract any school excursions and textbooks are largely silent about it. Some background information on Jasenovac therefore seems like a good place to start.

U.S. President Responds to His Failure to Deal With COVID-19, by Blaming China

The U.S. President has a public response to his country’s being the only one that has over a million cases and over 62,000 deaths from Covid-19 when every other country has fewer than 250,000 cases and fewer than 30,000 deaths: he demonizes China’s Government, and is now publicly preparing to seek trillions of dollars in compensation from it for damages from the coronavirus-19.

Blind to Science, Bleach Doctor Trump Pushes Crazy China Conspiracy

Trump’s foray into Covid-19 disease treatment – proposing household bleach as a possible cure – really shows how idiotic this president is. His subsequent, quick damage-limitation attempt to disown the reckless remarks as “sarcasm” only show how dishonest and mercurial he is.
Seriously, if the tycoon-turned-president can contemplate injecting disinfectant into the human body as a way of “cleaning” a virus, then you know this guy has a primitive grasp of scientific knowledge.

What Did U.S. Intel Really Know About the ‘Chinese’ Virus?

Hybrid War 2.0 on China, a bipartisan U.S. operation, is already reaching fever pitch. Its 24/7 full spectrum infowar arm blames China for everything coronavirus-related – doubling as a diversionist tactic against any informed criticism of woeful American unpreparedness.
Hysteria predictably reigns. And this is just the beginning.