
Investigation: Many Herbal Supplements Found to Contain ZERO Herbs

For the millions who shop for store-brand herbal supplements at mega retailers like Walmart, you’re in for a big surprise. An investigation by the New York State attorney general’s office into store-brand supplements has found that many herbal supplements not not only contain arguably no herbs, but also don’t contain the main ingredient/herb advertised.

Report Blames Walmart on the Obesity ‘Epidemic’

How far would you go to when trying to find a blame for the obesity epidemic? A new report examining the effects of economic variables on obesity puts some of the blame for increasing waistlines on mega superstores that provide inexpensive, nutrition-less food in bulk – mega stores such as Wal-Mart supercenters in the US.
The researchers concluded that Walmart is at least partly the cause of why we’re all getting fat:

10 Good Things about the Year 2014

It’s been a year of fervent activism on police accountability, living wages, climate change, personal freedoms, immigrant rights, an open internet and diplomacy over war. The electoral beating the Democrats received has prompted both the Administration and some spineless congresspeople to realize that support for progressive issues could reinvigorate their base —a realization that has already led to Obama’s executive action on immigration and the opening to Cuba.
So here are some of the 2014 highlights.

It's All About The Money-- It's Not About The Thanksgiving

Last summer we looked at legislation Alan Grayson proposed to end the over-militarization of local police departments, long before "Ferguson" became synonymous with overly militarized local police departments. Grayson's amendment failed-- by a lot-- 62-355, only 19 Republicans and 43 Democrats having the foresight and wisdom to back it.

You Pay Taxes? Guess Who Doesn't

Tuesday we were looking at the nexus of democracy-destroying avarice and the outsourcing of public services to private companies. I saw a report from our friends from Americans for Tax Fairness that reveals how WalMart was able to get around $104 million in taxes by handing out lavish "performance-based bonuses to top executives. How's that for a sound use of tax payer money?

Greenwashing and the Bloombergification of the World’s Cities

Have you ever been caught tapping a friend’s phone calls? Called out for the exploitative maltreatment your employees? Are you a multi-billionaire prone to going through the pockets of black youth in the hopes of finding marijuana?
Consider talking about your concern for the environment, particularly the effects of climate change. Leading governments, corporations, and political figures under fire for civil and human rights violations are giving it a whirl.
Greening Injustice