wall street

The Crash of Wall Street Banks and Insurers this Week is Blamed on the Coronavirus, but the Real Cause is Decades of Money Creation by the Fed

Headlines about the virus did not appear in the US until January of 2020, but the Federal Reserve began making hundreds of billions of dollars in loans to Wall Street’s banks on September 17, 2019. The Fed was creating money to keep banks afloat a little longer, and the cost was passed to the consumer.

Fire and Brimstone at the O.K. Corral, known today as the Democratic Party

Yes, Putin’s hackers would love to see Trump reelected. And it’s also true that unknown to us there may be a new Giuliani-led team of huckster guerrillas sealing dirty deals behind the scenes in order to bring the Democratic Party (DP) down.
But no matter how true these things are, responsibility for the party’s current predicament — i.e., that it’s doing a lousy job of preparing for the November showdown with Trump — lies in its own hands.