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"Kill the Messenger"- The biggest CIA-drug money scandal you never read

Came across this todayOnly excerpting because it's way too long. Click link above for full storySince I am on a kick the banksters to the curb kind of a day- ;) 1st post for today:  Banksters: Global Haircuts= Global Plunder. Legalizing the theft of your savings.No honour amongst thieves, they say. And it looks to be true.

Africa- Past and Present: AIDS, Banksters, CIA, CULTS, EBOLA & Hollywood

Ebola- It's been in the news lately In case you haven't noticed?AIDS - Also originated in Africa. Allegedly?CIA - A continuing evil in the worldCULTS: make me think of CIA/MKultraBanksters- Same as the CIAHollyweird- Managing your perception. Always. In cahoots with CIA and Banksters.Using Glenn Close, the actress, as our starting point and going full steam from there !Recall William T Close?-  We met William T Close in this post- Glenn Close raised in a cult?!

Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran

Before we discuss the ‘global oil war’, we need to get some basics down- Bear with me on this, ok? I’ve been thinking about this for most of the day...Oil Wars The US dollar is on the rise. What affect does the increasing US dollar have on oil prices?  How does the increasing US dollar value make it easier for the US, aided by Saudi Arabia, to wage a global oil price war?

36 Countries where the US has supported Fascists, Drug lords & Terrorists

And bankers... Salon fails to mention the enrichment of banksters, the banking cartels and the benefit of big business. Whether it be big agriculture, big oil or the weapons makers?  This list is, of course, grossly inadequate- It only mentions 35 countries, I added Ukraine.  Each nation listed below has more information at this link From Argentina to ZaireI am only excerpting from the Salon article: