
BARCELONA: New Revelations, More Challenging Questions Remain

21st Century Wire says…
The events of last weeks attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils continue to unravel into a myriad of complexity concerning key players and ‘whodunnit’. It is now understood that the deceased so called ‘imam’ of the cell, Albdelbaki Es Satty, was previously ruled as ‘no real threat’ as far back as 2015.

Wales Announces Complete Ban on GMOs with 15 other EU Countries

The Welsh Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans, has announced that the country will take advantage of new EU rules allowing countries to opt out of growing EU-authorized GM crops. Yep – Wales is moving forward with a complete ban on biotech’s seed! [1]
Evans says that the nation plans to ban GM corn as well as 7 other GM crops authorized by the EU. She states:

Breast cancer cases near Welsh nuclear plant 5 times higher than expected – academic

RT | June 10, 2015 Breast cancer rates are five times higher than expected near a defunct nuclear power plant in Wales, according to a study by environmental scientist Dr Chris Busby. The power plant in Trawsfynydd, which has not been in use since 1993 but is yet to be decommissioned, relied on a nearby […]

The UK Nuclear Nightmare – An Awakening

By Jim McCluskey | Dissident Voice | February 6, 2015 At last the Armageddon nightmare which is the existence of nuclear arsenals is exploding into the  UK’s political consciousness. At last the magical word ‘deterrent’ which is supposed to automatically kill dissent is being examined and unmasked as the delusion by which the paranoid silence […]

Protestors mobilise for week-long protest against NATO summit in Wales

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament | August 29, 2014 As world leaders prepare to attend the NATO Summit in Newport next week, campaigners are mobilising for a week of protest and debate to challenge this ‘interventionist, expansionist, military club.’ A mass demonstration against NATO will take place in Newport tomorrow (Saturday 30 August), while a Counter-Summit […]

“The dogs bark, but the caravan passes on.”

Only when Mark Carney, Christine Lagarde and Prince Charles start talking about the abolition of privately created debt-based money should we even begin to take them seriously. Of course such an affront to the obscenely wealthy would have seen even Prince Charles ejected from the Mansion House soiree.
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