
If You Want to Get Pregnant, Avoid Soda, New Study Says

New research shows that women who regularly consume sodas may be lowering their chances of getting pregnant.
For the study, researchers interviewed 524 women undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment about their food and beverage consumption. They found a link between low-calorie sweeteners, such as saccharine and sucrose, and reduced fertility rates. [1
Source: Time
The study was presented on 17 October 2016 at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine congress in Salt Lake City, Utah.

For the Longest Life: Your Waistline Should Be Half Your Height

Want to know a newly found secret for living a long and healthy life? Apparently it applies regardless of your age, gender, or ethnicity. The riddle of good health is solved in part with a simple formula, which predicts how many years of someone’s life will be lost to obesity. According to recent research, the key to longevity is having a waist size that is no more than half your height.
Here’s how you work out the formula for better health: