
JDOhio: Was Michael Mann Exonerated by the Post-Climategate Investigations as Was Decided by the DC Court of Appeals?

SM: This article by JD Ohio was submitted and briefly online on February 23, 2018, but, for some reason that I don’t recall, was taken offline. In any event, as Mann’s ancient libel case wends its way into a DC court, I noticed that it was still pending.  It deals concisely with a central issue […]

Sliming by Stokes

Stokes’ most recent post, entitled “What Steve McIntyre Won’t Show You Now”, contains a series of lies and fantasies, falsely claiming that I’ve been withholding MM05-EE analyses from readers in my recent fisking of ClimateBaller doctrines, falsely claiming that I’ve “said very little about this recon [MM05-EE] since it was published” and speculating that I’ve been concealing these results because they were “inconvenient”.