
Shia Killing & Pakistan Demonic Dogma

By all standards, human rights abuse in Pakistan particularly against the Shia population is taking a horrendous momentum with the government keeping silent on the ongoing bloodbath.
On Friday, over 60 worshippers were martyred and 60 others injured in an explosion inside a central Imambargah Shia mosque in Shikarpur district of Sindh province in Pakistan.
The Takfiri group Jundallah, a splinter group of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the carnage.

Islamism in Egypt – untangling the confusion

Since the assassination of the Egyptian Prime Minister in 1945 and 1948, and dozens of other subsequent assassinations – most notably the assassination of President Sadat on October 6th 1981 and the assassinations perpetrated by the Brotherhood today in Egypt – their own history and the unfolding facts on the ground demonstrate that the Muslim Brotherhood have not forsaken violence and murder but rather have bequeathed this to the currents that are spawned from them.



Is Saudi Arabia Regretting Its Support for Terrorism?

by PATRICK COCKBURN                           Counterpunch
It is a chilling five-minute film made by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), showing its fighters stopping three large trucks on what looks like the main highway linking Syria and Iraq. A burly bearded gunmen takes the ID cards of the drivers who stand nervously in front of him.
“You are all Shia,” he says threateningly.

Qatar Trains Death Warriors for War in Syria

It is now more evident than ever before that Qatar is playing a vital role in stoking up the chaos which is tearing Syria apart.
Informed sources have recently exposed that in the heart of Doha stand centers for training assassins of different nationalities who are dispatched to Syria to fight against the government of Bashar al-Assad. These would-be assassins are subjected to heavy military training as well as Wahhabi teachings.

Syria “Wag the Dog”. Towards a Major Mideast War?

Syria “Wag the Dog”. Towards a Major Mideast War?
Image courtesy Syrian Perspective
by Mark H. Gaffney
The United States is being manipulated into another even bigger Mideast War, and the only thing that can prevent it is an informed citizenry. The upcoming debate in Congress, scheduled to begin on September 9, will tell the tale.