
Claims of Khashoggi death by fistfight expose Saudi brutality

On October 2, 2018, Muslim Brotherhood member and Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey, never to be seen or heard from again.
This chilling report has been answered with some horrifying and grisly stories about what happened – that he was dismembered while still alive, that his body parts were dissolved completely in acid, leaving nothing left.
Now after two weeks, the Saudi official word on what happened came out: He died in an unexpected fistfight in the embassy.

Whither Wahhabism?

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman could well dash expectations that he is gunning for a break with Sunni Muslim ultra-conservatism rather than a shaving off of the rough edges of Wahhabi ideology that has been woven into the kingdom’s fabric since its founding more than eighty years ago. Prince Mohammed has fuelled expectations by fostering Islamic scholars who advocate[Read More...]

Four Reasons Why Saudi Arabia May Cease To Exist

21st Century Wire says…
One of the top places you can see in Riyadh, as told by its taxi drivers, is ‘Chop Chop Square’ better known as Justice Square, where in the early daylight hours beheadings take place.
On a past visit to the ‘Kingdom’, it was disturbing to find out that only metres away outside Justice Square, a small children’s fairground was set up and ready for operation.
Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

IRELAND: Islamic Inspired Terrorism Development, or Gladio Symptomatic?

21st Century Wire says…
Since late 2015 Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic have been subjected to increased media attention surrounding the ‘possibility’ of an Daesh (Islamic State) inspired styled attack.
Daesh were reported to have issued a ‘chilling warning’ to Ireland who were included amongst the rest of the coalition fighting against Islamic State.

A Palestinian-Hezbollah War in Lebanon?


Ain el Helweh camp, Lebanon
It’s not just the leadership of the Zionist regime still occupying Palestine, six decades after the 1948 Nakba, that appears to be salivating at the current stoking of  current tensions between the Palestinian Resistance and in some respects, its historic off-spring Hezbollah.