
The Other Most Important Congressional Race In The Country

Sick of poisonous garbage like Wasserman Schultz? Here's an antidoteGetting rid of powerful Republican policy-makers is something the DCCC doesn't ever even try to do. Even though the NRCC ruthlessly-- and sometimes successfully-- targets Democratic leaders and committee chairs, the DCCC virtually never targets GOP leaders or committee chairs.

Establishment Democrats Finally Join Progressives And Swing Away From GOP Plans To Cut Social Security

Gas money hereObama came close to sealing a Grand Bargain with Boehner that would have made significant cuts to Social Security and Medicare, my raising age eligibilities and by slowing cost of living allowances. It wasn't harsh enough for the Tea Party so most conservative Republicans voted against it and it failed.

Can Anyone Fill Grayson's And Edwards' Shoes In The House? Meet Pramila Jayapal

Two of our very first Blue America candidates, a decade ago, were Alan Grayson and Donna Edwards, who have been inspirations from the moments they ran, won and started pushing their strong progressive agendas in the House. These are two admirable people who have made a substantive difference in a screwed up, largely dysfunctional Congress.

Can Idealists Accomplish Stuff? Their Progress Is The History Of America's Success-- Meet Pramila Jayapal From Seattle

The last Republican presidential candidate to win Washington was Reagan in 1984. Although Washington is basically a blue state-- Obama beat McCain 58-40 and beat Romney 56-41, both U.S.senators are Democrats and every governor for over 30 years has been a Democrat-- the state Senate is narrowly controlled by the Republicans + one renegade conservaDem, Tim Sheldon from a district across the Puget Sound from Seattle.