Vote Common Good

How Badly Will Trump Hurt The GOP In November? They Deserve The Worst

Over the weekend, the New York Times published an OpEd by Peter Wehner, The Full-Spectrum Corruption of Donald Trump. "There’s never been any confusion about the character defects of Donald Trump," Wehner, a former Reagan and Bush staffer and senior fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center began.

Look At Jimmy Carter, An Admirer Of Jesus-- Now Look At Donald Trump, A Worshipper Of Mammon

I don't know a better observer of life in America's evangelical communities than author and filmmaker (and former evangelical) Frank Schaefer. He and I are both working on a project called VoteCommonGood, "an effort to dislodge control of Congress from the Republican Party by inspiring Christians to vote on November 6, 2018 according to what our faith tells us is the Common Good.

A Dangerous Religious Cult?

Yesterday we took a peak at how the GOP is slipping into the status of being a cult rather than a legitimate political party. As I've mentioned before, recently Blue America has partner with an evangelical group, Vote Common Good, a 501 c (4) non-profit organization, which is helping Democratic congressional candidates have a better understanding of evangelical voters.