Volodymyr Zelensky

Zelensky Toes the Line on Naziism

It’s hard not to feel sorry for Volodymyr Zelensky. He’s the talented comedian who got himself elected president of the Ukraine last April by being everything the incumbent, Petro Poroshenko, was not. Where Poroshenko ran on a slogan of “Army, language, faith,” Zelensky is a Jew who speaks better Russian than Ukrainian and is notably cool to the war against pro-Moscow rebels in the east. He was the un-Poroshenko, which is why the Ukraine’s huddled masses, sick and tired of war, right-wing nationalism, economic failure, and corruption, voted for him three-to-one.

Ukraine Peace Hostage to Washington’s Russophobia

After Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky finished multilateral peace talks in Paris, the emphatic media message was that “no red lines had been crossed” in negotiations with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. It sounded like Zelensky was far more concerned with trying to reassure observers he hadn’t “capitulated” to Putin, rather than engaging in a genuine dialogue to resolve his country’s conflict.

Why the Results of the Normandy Four Summit Were Predetermined… Almost

The media loves to make any sort of peace process look like a personal matter between two sides with hurt feelings, when nothing could be further from the truth. These deals are not a matter of emotions or being nice but achieving political objectives. Very often conflicts remain stagnant because there is no possible point of compromise between both forces– there is simply two diametrically opposed objectives to be satisfied by some sort of deal..

Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind ‘Ukrainegate’

Since this news-report is going to be especially harsh regarding today’s Democratic Party in the United States, readers should be aware that until that Party nominated Hillary Clinton in 2016, this writer was, and consistently voted as, a Democrat, and that I have never been, and never could be, a Republican. In no way does this article reflect a Republican viewpoint. It is not partisan — not favoring one person’s viewpoint over any other’s.

The Oligarch Makes a Comeback in America’s ‘Strategic Ally’ Ukraine

The New York Times is not known for its wit, but an interview it recently published with the Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky was little less than side-splitting. A big bearish man who doesn’t believe in shades of gray – except when it comes to his own whiskers – Kolomoisky didn’t hold back when it came to American double-dealing and his belief that a rapprochement with Russia is the Ukraine’s only way out.

Clueless Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch delivers testimony dud in Schiff’s kangaroo court (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s closed door testimony in front of Adam Schiff’s kangaroo court which delivered no smoking gun and zero proof of any Trump-Zelensky quid pro quo.
What Yovanovitch did reveal was more proof that Poroshenko was shaking down Burisma for energy kickbacks, which eventually led to Burisma obtaining “protection” from Joe Biden.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 198 Kevin Gosztola on the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower and impeachment

This week Kevin Gosztola joined me to discuss the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower case and the possibility of a presidential impeachment. Kevin started by laying out what we know about the CIA whistleblower in question and what is in his complaint. Kevin described how the whistleblower went through the proper channels, and how this was handled by […]