Vito Marcantonio

Very Bad Idea: Rightists With Weapons

The Best People by Chip ProserI'm old-- and for all my life I've heard the corporate media (and the Republican Party) pushing this equivalence between the extreme right and some mythical "extreme left." With a couple of short-lived exceptions, there's never been any "extreme left,"-- and certainly not in Congress. Which Democrats are as far left as, for example, the Freedom Caucus?

When Bernie Was Growing Up Congress Had An Amazing Congressman, A Democratic Socialist From Harlem Named Vito Marcantonio

Yesterday Little Marco triumphed in the Republican primary in Puerto Rico. Although only 36,393 people voted, he won an impressive 73.8% and all 23 delegates, despite being the self-appointied senatorial spokesperson against Puerto Rican bankruptcy in the name of robotic Austerity. He probably won because he was the only Republican who campaigned there and because, unlike Cruz, he's somewhat popular among Hispanics.Rubio is anything but a champion of Puerto Ricans.