
Projet de loi polonais sur la Shoah : hypocrisie des condamnations

Le parlement polonais vient d’adopter la semaine dernière un projet de loi punissant d’une peine pouvant aller jusqu’à trois ans de prison toute personne qui « attribue à la République de Pologne et à la nation polonaise, publiquement et contrairement à la réalité des faits, la responsabilité ou la coresponsabilité de crimes nazis perpétrés par le IIIe Reich allemand ».

Porkins Policy Radio episode 74 Tom King, the CIA and Comic Books with Ryan Carey

Writer and comic book reviewer Ryan Carey joins me for an in depth discussion of the comic industry and its relationship with the CIA. We begin by looking at the early days of comic books and their first forays into politics during WWII. Ryan talks about the overt left leaning politics of the original Superman comics and how this evolved into a nationalistic pro-US series during WWII. Next we move onto ex-CIA agent Tom King who’s charmed life has led him to the pinnacle of comics, writing the latest Batman comics.

Engineers are Creating a Braille-Based “Kindle” for the Blind

Developers at the University of Michigan are nearing the end of a project that will allow blind people to participate in digital culture much more readily than ever before.
While those without visual impairments often rely on screens, laptops, and tablets to help them accomplish tasks, the technology to allow blind people to do the same has been sorely lacking.

Google Partners with Largest Specialist Eye Hospital to Treat Diseases

Google DeepMind Health has recently announced a partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital in London to utilize its technology to treat preventable eye diseases and help doctors spot disorders at an early stage when intervention is still possible. Google DeepMind has chosen Moorfields as it is the largest specialist eye hospital in the world, treating over 600,000 patients per year. This is more than any other specialist eye hospital in either the United States or Europe.

107-Year-Old Woman Donates Corneas to Younger Patient

A 107-year-old Scottish woman was able to save the sight of a younger patient by donating her corneas, even after her death. The woman, who is currently unnamed, recently passed away. However despite her age, her corneas were still intact and able to be given to someone else. Doctors in Scotland say that the woman is now the oldest organ donor in the country, with the previous record being set by a 106-year-old eye donor. [1]

Don’t Make These 5 Dangerous Mistakes with Contact Lenses

Many people jump at the chance to wear contact lenses, sometimes to improve appearance. Not having to hunt for the spot where they put down their glasses is appealing, but contact lens wearers who fail to take proper care of their contact lenses are putting their eyesight at risk. [1]
A report released this year by the CDC reveals some of the most common – and dangerous – mistakes of contact lens wearers: