
Buzz-Kill: Special Interest-Owned Conservative Democrats, Not Plain Ole Democrats, Took Over The Virginia Legislature

Lobbyist (right) beat the progressive (left) for Virginia House speakerBlue America didn't endorse too many candidates in the Virginia legislative election-- just 6 outstanding progressives who we were able to vet to our satisfaction. Three won-- Lee Carter (53-46%), Elizabeth Guzman (52-47%) and Danica Roem (56-44%)-- and three lost-- Herb Jones (60-40%), Qasim Rashid (58-42%) and Eric Stamps (61-39%).

The Likely Big Loser In Tomorrow's Elections: Donald J. Trumpanzee

I don't know much about Democratic strategist Kevin Walling other than he was one of the founders of-- and the first political director for-- the right-of-center Inside-the-beltway group No Labels-- and that he is often called upon by right-wing media to play the role of "the Democrat," particularly on Fox New, Fox Business News, Newsmax and the neo-Nazi One America News Network (OAN).

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Owes Eric Stamps An Endorsement Announcement

Eric Stamps-- too progressive for the governor?Ralph Northam was probably the most conservative, Republican-friendly Democrat in the Virginia state Senate when he served between 2007 and 2013, at which time he was elected lieutenant governor. He admits that before being elected to the Senate he had voted for George W. Bush twice.

Virginia Elections-- Early Voting Is... Now-- Will Trump Toxicity Help Flip Both Houses?

Most bigoted smear campaign of the year in being run by Republican Richard Stuart (l) against Qasim Rashid (r)-by Fergie Reid, Jr.As November 5th-- Election Day-- approaches in Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, and New Jersey, Virginia Democrats can flip their General Assembly by re-electing all of their (D) House and Senate incumbents, and by winning a minimum of 2 Republican HDs and 1 Republican Senate d

Ungerrymandering The States-- One By One

The governor of New Jersey is Phil Murphy, a Democrat. Both Houses of the state legislature are controlled by Democrats, the Senate 26-14 and the Assembly 54-26. There's just one New Jersey congressional district that elected a Republican in 2018. It would be easy as pie for New Jersey Democrats to gerrymander the map to make Chris Smith's 4th CD go from an R+8 district to a much more winnable R+1 or 2 or even an even district that a Democratic candidate could easily win.

Winning In Virginia-- THIS November... Meet Flo Ketner

Flo Ketner is a Berniecrat running for the Virginia state Senate in an election that will be decided by Virginia voters in about 3 months. The Democrats need to flip 2 Republican-held seats to win back the Senate. The 19th district, south of Roanoke, consists of Salem City (12% of the voters) plus parts of 7 counties-- Franklin (19%), Floyd (8%), Montgomery (12%), Bedford (3%), Carroll (6%), Wythe (7%) and Roanoke (34%).

It's Urgent That Democrats Win Back The Virginia House In November-- Meet Progressive Democrat Eric Stamps

In less than 4 months the Virginia state Democratic Party needs to win 2 seats-- maybe just one now-- to flip the House of Delegates. The party and the DLCC have their status quo candidates in the easiest districts-- generally speaking the ones Northam won that are occupied by Republicans.

Virginians Elect Their Legislature In Less Than 4 Months... And God Is Smiling On The Democrats So Far

You may recall that in 2017 Democrats had their biggest legislative gains in Virginia since 1899-- winning 15 Republican-held seats in the House of Delegates. Unfortunately, the schnooks who run the state Democratic Party were-- as always-- aiming low and if not for grassroots progressives who they were ignoring, they wouldn't have done as well as "they" did.