
Vote For A Republican-Lite Democratic Candidate And Don't Complain When You Get Republican-Lite Laws-- Conservative Democrats Defeat Assault Weapons Ban In Virginia

Last Thursday night-- in a post called Scrub From Your Mind: Any Blue Will Do"-- we looked at how the much ballyhooed new Democratic majority in the Virginia legislature failed to repeal the state's venal, anti-union right to work law.

Scrub From Your Mind: "Any Blue Will Do"

Good video, right? I had to get it up as soon as I could! Cute. But... Remember when you didn't vote for Mitt Romney in 2012? Would you vote for him now if it was between him and Trump? He voted good-- one time... and a few minutes later voted to find Trump not guilty on another charge. Still, it was kind a a half a profile in courage that day. And what about if he tagged a "D" next to his name the way Bloomberg has? I know there are plenty of people who would vote for him-- even gladly so-- and more so if he went the Bloomberg route.

The Virginia 2A Protest is the model for Counter Color Revolution

There have been many protests all over the world on a large scale since the beginning of the 24 hour news cycle/prevalence of the Internet and it has become obvious that some quickly gain favored status from the Mainstream Media while others are kept in the dark regardless of size or significance. This selective hyper focus on particular protests is a key component of the Color Revolution strategy. The protestors are positioned as the downtrodden masses yearning for their voices to be heard, and bad country of the month’s leadership is oppressive and needs to go.

Do YOU Imagine Yourself Morally Evolved While Still Afflicted With The Latent Illness Of Privilege That Resists The Messiness Of Loud, Aggressive, Angry Justice?

People don't go around saying "Happy Martin Luther King Day" to each other, right? It's not that kind of a holiday. More, though, should do what John Pavlovitz did on his blog this morning, a powerful and compelling meditation on how Martin Luther King's message resonates in him today.

Matthew Bracken - Pro 2nd Amendment Protest in Richmond, VA: Proceed With Caution

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik is joined by former navy SEAL Matt Bracken to discuss the upcoming Pro 2nd Amendment Protest in Richmond, Virginia. Likelihood is that Intelligence services will hijack the event just like they did during the Charlottesville protest in 2017. We talk about possible scenarios, what to prepare for and how things might play out.

Virginia Voted To Pass The ERA, But The Trump/Barr Justice Department Is Preventing It From Becoming The 28th Amendment To The Constitution

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution passed another milestone yesterday. Virginia became the 38th state-- and that's how many you need to make it the 28th amendment. But the Trump regime has already moved forcefully to prevent that. Let me explain. First the text of the resolution proposing the amendment (H.R. 208):