
The Virginia Establishment Aims To Install One Of Its Own-- Don Beyer

Virginia food stamp slashers George Allen and Don BeyerWhen Jim Moran announced his retirement in January, first politician out-of-the-box declaring an intention to run was multimillionaire car dealer and ex-Lieutenant Governor Don Beyer. It's almost as though he knew and was prepared. He's certainly the Establishment choice for the progressive D+16 Arlington and Fairfax counties suburban DC district (Obama 68% in 2008 ands 2012).

There's Hope: Patrick Hope-- Guest Post From A Proud Virginia Progressive

I had a long talk about the crucial issues facing the country with Arlington, Virginia Delegate Patrick Hope. His vision is progressive and his temperament matches his vision. He'd make a great addition to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. I asked him to introduce himself to DWT readers. He just sent this today:Thank you for this opportunity to write a guest post on Down With Tyranny.

Ted Cruz Has Made Himself The Scourge Of Senate Republicans-- And They Don't Like That

In 2009, Nanci Griffith put out an album, The Loving Kind, inspired by the death of Mildred Loving the year before. Nanci and Mildred both saw the clear relationship between the landmark Supreme Court case, Loving v Virginia-- which struck down the miscegenation laws that remained in the South to prohibit marriages of whites and blacks-- to the struggle for LGBT marriage equality.

Hope In Northern Virginia

There are two congressional retirements at the end of this term in Virginia, Jim Moran and Frank Wolf. Wolf's district leans Democratic but still has a PVI of R+2. In 2008 Obama beat McCain 51-48%. In 2012, Romney squeaked by Obama 50-49% The DCCC and testate Democratic Party see the seat as a good pick up opportunity. Due east-- and meeting along Dolley Madison Blvd and Chain Bridge Road in McLean-- is a VA-08, Moran's much bluer seat. The PVI is a healthy D+16.

The Democratic Landslide In Virginia Last Night Was A Very Big Deal

Yesterday, voters headed off into the blizzard that blanketed northern Virginia with snow to vote in a special election for a state Senate seat that opened when Mark Herring was elected Attorney General. The district includes parts of Fairfax and Loudon counties and as voters drove to the polls they were hearing on their car radios about the massive indictment finally handed down for Gov. Rob McDonnell and his moll Virginia First Lady Maureen McDonnell.

Like NJ Guv KrispyKreme, ex-VA Guv McDonnell seems to have been asking: Why should white-collar crime be limited to the elites? caption: "In a Jan. 3, 2012, photo, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell wears a Rolex during an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. At the time, McDonnell said the watch was a Christmas gift from his wife. Sources say Williams purchased the $6,500 Rolex for the governor at first lady Maureen McDonnell's request.

As he slithers out of the VA AG's office, defeated guv candidate "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli shows it's never too late to hate the homos

Hey, Cuckoo Man, didn't your mama ever warn you to close your mouth or a fly might fly in?by KenI don't mean to suggest in the post title that there's any term limit on former Virginia AG "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli's homo-hating, which I'm confident he'll carry -- along with all the other insanities infesting his diseased brain -- all the remaining days of his continuing existence on the planet.