
America’s sectarian violence is a symptom of a lack of national confidence

One of the strange knock-on effects of the recent events in Charlottesville in the American state of Virginia is that the American liberal-left has decided to pause from re-inventing the Cold War with the Soviet Union and has instead resurrected the American Civil War.
One could easily say that such things are symptomatic of a left that refuses to examine its own policies which have not only failed at the ballot box but have deeply divided America along sectarian lines.

NEW VIDEO: Charlottesville ramming incident may have been accidental

New video footage has emerged which may point to the fact that the driver of a Dodge Challenger which rammed into a crowd of protesters, killing one, may have been a case of fright and flight rather than a premeditated act of violence.
The footage which is posted on the YoutTube channel Squawker Media throws doubt on the mainstream media narrative which has generally assumed that the action was committed by the driver with the malicious intent to cause harm.

Land Owners Sue Feds Over ‘Land Grab’ For Private Gas Pipeline

Once completed, the 303-mile Mountain Valley pipeline will transport natural gas from northwestern West Virginia to southern Virginia. (Photo: file)
A group of property owners sued the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Thursday to stop what they claim is “a government-sanctioned land grab” to benefit a private pipeline company.

The Power of Hate – In Loving Memory Of Nabra Hassanen

17 year-old Nabra Hassanen. (Photo: Facebook)
FAIRFAX, Va – Social engineering has brought us the current political and social climate that we see today.  It has legitimized and validated people who harbored cultural biases. Nabra had three strikes against her, she was black, Muslim, and a female, all three components put her at increased risk of social ostracization and potential violence.