
Trump Coddles His Fascist Followers, Claims Incorrectly Charlottesville Violence Was "On Many Sides"

In Trump's America, all of our AmericaThere was already trouble Friday night when old-fashioned KKK racists and Nazis and new-fashioned alt-right Trump supporters descended on Charlottesville looking for trouble in response to a Trump nut named Jason Keller's call for a "pro-white" rally. This is something they've been promoting for weeks in the fever swamps of TrumpWorld.

CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge

CNN has admitted that it has discovered the identity of a man who originally made the “Trump body-slams CNN” meme.
CNN personnel have contacted the man forcing him to apologise on Reddit using his pseudonym. However CNN remains committed to exposing the man’s ideneity to the world should he retract his apology.
According to CNN,

“CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that (his apology) change”.