
Why is the UN still so important – while it must also be reformed?

By Jan Oberg
Why is the UN still so important – in spite of having had its Charter violated repeatedly during the last 25 years?
Why should we not – cynically – side with the cynical and powerful countries that want to undermine and marginalise the world’s finest organisation with the most Gandhian-like document ever signed by governments?
What is the real UN and what does its Charter really say?
Jan Oberg tries to cover some of the answers in this 6 min video produced as Facebook Live on October 24, 2017.

Ukraine should become a buffer state

By Jonathan Power
August 1, 2017
Now a few recent words from Jack Matlock who was US ambassador to Moscow under presidents Reagan and Bush senior:
“The Ukraine crisis is a product, in large part, of the policy of indefinite expansion of Nato to the east. If there had been no possibility of Ukraine ever becoming part of Nato, and therefore Sevastopol (the ex-Soviet naval port in Crimea) becoming a Nato base Russia would not have invaded Crimea.”