
Muslims held hostage by a criminal state apparatus in UP – a report on Sambhal

Sustained reportage by dogged and principled journalists and investigation by citizens’ groups have gradually begun to illuminate the terrible darkness around anti CAA protests in UP over December 2019. Every single one of these has exploded the narrative fostered by the UP government, police and compliant local media, of violent mobs destroying public property and … Continue reading Muslims held hostage by a criminal state apparatus in UP – a report on Sambhal →

The Yogi and the Erotics of Violence: Jaya Sharma

Guest Post by JAYA SHARMA This article that explores the enjoyment of violence, epsecially in the social media world, in the wake of the brutal violence perpetrated by the Yogi Adityanath regime in Uttar Pradesh. It should be read as a sequel to Jaya Sharma’s earlier article published in Kafila in June last year. ‘Maza … Continue reading The Yogi and the Erotics of Violence: Jaya Sharma →

Nationwide NRC -The Devil at the Heart of India’s Draconian Digitalization: CP Geevan

GUEST POST BY C. P.  GEEVAN NPR and NRC – An Enigmatic Clarification It was difficult to miss the smugness with which the Home Minister of India (HM) addressed a TV show he had orchestrated through one of the infamous godi (lapdog) media after the central cabinet had approved Rs 39.41 billion for updating the … Continue reading Nationwide NRC -The Devil at the Heart of India’s Draconian Digitalization: CP Geevan →

Citizens Ask States to Boycott Republic Day Parade

With the central government denying three states’ – Bengal, Kerala and Maharashtra – tableaux proposals for Republic Day, politics has reached a new low.  There is no doubt that the current struggles against the CAA/NRC and the confrontational stance of the Centre with these governments has a lot to do with this denial. The following … Continue reading Citizens Ask States to Boycott Republic Day Parade →

Demonstration in Munich in Solidarity with anti CAA/NRC Struggles: Indians Against Fascism Munich

Guest post by Indians Against Fascism Munich On Saturday (21st Dec), a crowd of around one hundred Indians residing in Munich and surrounding assembled at Geschwister Scholl Platz, a square in front of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich to protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register for Citizens (NRC).

Who is spreading ‘Rumours & Lies’ on NRC & CAA 2019? Joint Forum Against NRC Kolkata Rebuts Modi

Issued by the Joint Forum Against NRC, Kolkata Video courtesy The Wire Rattled by the upsurge in popular protests across the country against the passage of the Unconstitutional Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 in parliament, Prime Minister Modi has accused the anti-NRC and anti-CAA protesters and the opposition parties of spreading “rumours and lies”. The assertions … Continue reading Who is spreading ‘Rumours & Lies’ on NRC & CAA 2019?

University of York in Solidarity with Student Protests Against CAA

As students, alumni and faculty members of the University of York, UK, we stand in solidarity with all students in India who are engaged in protests against the discriminatory Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019. We believe that the right to dissent, protest and demonstrate are fundamental rights integral to all democracies. Articles 19 (1) (a) and … Continue reading University of York in Solidarity with Student Protests Against CAA →

Dublin City University Faculty and Students Condemn Repression of Peaceful Protests in India

The wave of protest in India in response to The Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 (CAA) passed on 11th December 2019 is being violently suppressed. Protesters claim the Act fundamentally alters the concept of Indian citizenship and is against the secular and inclusive India Constitution as it introduces discrimination against Muslims and other ethnic minorities.