
The Virus, the Muslim and the Migrant: Part I – Comvid 14

PART I OF A THREE PART POST The term Comvid 14 is gratefully borrowed from Tony Joseph who defined it in a Facebook post as Communalvirus (Comvid 2014), the incubation period for which could be as long as six to seven years. Over fifty percent of infected people remain asymptomatic carriers, the rest going into … Continue reading The Virus, the Muslim and the Migrant: Part I – Comvid 14 →

Statement by concerned citizens against state crackdown for anti CAA protests

Statement by concerned citizens against witch-hunting of students and activists for anti CAA protests The country right now is reeling through a grave crisis as a result of the novel Corona Virus and nearly a month long lock-down. We are all being asked to stay home and stay safe in order to break the chain … Continue reading Statement by concerned citizens against state crackdown for anti CAA protests →

Agony of COVID-19 and the Lockdown – Who is Afraid of ‘Class’? Maya John

Guest post by MAYA JOHN This essay is the second part of a two-part series on Society in the Time of Covid 19. The first part appeared in Kafila on 5 April and can be read here. The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas…Karl Marx, The German Ideology (1845) … Continue reading Agony of COVID-19 and the Lockdown – Who is Afraid of ‘Class’? Maya John →

Jai Bhim, Lal Salam! Anand Teltumbde writes to the people of India

Open letter from Anand Teltumbde, reproduced from The Wire. I am aware that this may be completely drowned in the motivated cacophony of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh combine and the subservient media, but I still think it may be worth talking to you as I do not know whether I would … Continue reading Jai Bhim, Lal Salam! Anand Teltumbde writes to the people of India →

Khureji Crackdown Fact Finding Report: Lawyers Against Atrocities

[The followng is a report of the police crackdown on the peaceful protest in Khureji, against the CAA-NRC-NPR that had been going for quite some time. The team of Lawyers Against Atrocities comprising Ashutosh, Harjot, Harshita, Nasir and Rahul visited Khureji on 29 February 2020] Brief Overview of the Situation in Khureji Khas Since the … Continue reading Khureji Crackdown Fact Finding Report: Lawyers Against Atrocities →

The Violence in Delhi, Politics and ‘Heroism of the Ordinary’

  What is there to say? What can one say that has not already been said umpteen times before – during earlier rounds of communal violence elsewhere – and in Delhi this time? The political class, true to its character, has revealed as it has so many times in the past, that when it comes … Continue reading The Violence in Delhi, Politics and ‘Heroism of the Ordinary’ →