
Debunking the JFK Silver Certificate Myth

There are many people who will tell you that JFK was assassinated because he was trying to end the Federal Reserve and replace the Federal Reserve note with silver certificates. Not only is this not true, it's the exact opposite of the truth. Join James for this presentation to the JFK Lancer conference as he separates fact from fiction in the JFK assassination investigation.

Solutions: Black Market Friday

Many people believe tomorrow, November 27, 2020, to be “Black Friday,” but they are wrong. Tomorrow is actually “Black Market Friday,” a chance for free humanity to flex its muscles by demonstrating its commitment to forming trading communities outside of the controlled fiat money paradigm. Everyone who is interested is invited to buy something via Agorist.Market (or anywhere else) using precious metals, crypto, local currency, barter, or any other medium of exchange that circumvents the controlled central bank fiat currencies.

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism

For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack?

How to Spot a Propaganda Trial Balloon (video)

Your thoughts and opinions are incredibly important to those who want to direct your behaviour. So it should be no surprise that propagandists float trial balloons in order to gauge public reaction to new proposals before going ahead with their plans. Join James on today's #PropagandaWatch as he breaks down this important mechanism of propaganda.