
Interview 1720 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: the world government globalists say the quiet part out loud when talking about the CBDC monetary shift; whatever happened in Bucha can only be seen in light of the admitted info war; and Biden reaffirms the ongoing cybersecurity emergency.
The post Interview 1720 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Interview 1710 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: Saudi enters talks with China to denominate some oil sales in yuan; the Ukrainian Defense Ministry turns to Clearview AI for facial recognition on the battlefield and the home front; and a Gates-driven project to launch GM mosquitos takes off in California and Florida.
The post Interview 1710 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Presearch Search Engine - #SolutionsWatch

Now that DuckDuckGo has officially DuckDuckGone in the direction of censorship, what's a free speech-loving, liberty-minded conspiracy realist to do? Never fear, #SolutionsWatch is here. In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search.

Interview 1709 - James Corbett Redpills the Italians

In this edition of the Redpill series, James talks to Giulio Bona of ComeDonChisciotte to inform the wider Italian public about the work that The Corbett Report does. We talk about war, crisis and propaganda, from the Ukraine crisis to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset to the coming New World Order and what we can do to avoid it.
The post Interview 1709 - James Corbett Redpills the Italians first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Episode 415 - The Global Digital ID Prison

Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as "the way of the future"? Well, you're right! But why is this being pushed so hard right now. Don't miss this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James lays out the digital ID agenda and how it serves as the linchpin of the entire global enslavement grid.

The Highlighter is Mightier Than the Sword! - #SolutionsWatch (video)

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As you know by now, #SolutionsWatch doesn't just highlight the Big Ideas for changing the world; it also showcases the little ideas that can improve your life. As little ideas go, this week's idea (online highlighting) probably seems like the littlest one of all, but actually it's revolutionized my online research. Find out more in this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch.