video game

A New US Air Force Video Game Lets You Drone Bomb Iraqis and Afghans

The United States Air Force has a new recruitment tool: a realistic drone operator video game you can play on its website. Called the Airman Challenge, it features 16 missions to complete, interspersed with facts and recruitment information about how to become a drone operator yourself. In its latest attempts to market active service to young people, players move through missions escorting U.S. vehicles through countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, serving up death from above to all those designated “insurgents” by the game.

New Call of Duty game paints Russian Army as war criminals

Activision Blizzard’s newest Call of Duty Modern Warfare video game, inspired by contemporary events in war theaters across the world [according to its creators], has gone a step further from its usual portrayal of modern Russian soldiers as the bad guys. In this new iteration of Modern Warfare, the Russian soldiers depicted in the single player campaign are carrying out war crimes, killing prisoners and civilians in cold blood as per the orders of the higher-ups.

Davos Cesspool, “Daily Shooter” Video Game, Hawaii Nuke Scare – Boiler Room EP #144

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.

Two Studies Retracted After Claiming Video Games Make Us Violent

(ANTIMEDIA) It’s one of those questions that currently appears to have no clear answer: Do violent video games lead to violence in reality?
It seems any opinion on the matter can be backed up by evidence, be it scientific data, which exists in abundance, or personal experience, which is immediately relatable to any modern human being. No one is ever proven definitively right, yet no one can ever be shown to be absolutely wrong.