
White privilege shaming attempt goes hilariously wrong

Racism is on the increase in America. In the liberal world, anti-white sentiment is reaching untold heights. It went so high for CNN reporter (and legal analyst!!) Areva Martin that she fearlessly called out radio host David Webb on his own program for executing his white privilege and not listening to her. At this moment, no doubt, many fellow black racists who were watching CNN (and many guilt-ridden white people too!) were cheering her on for “putting it to” this radio host for being so shamelessly white. But then, this happened:

Ann Coulter puts Kavanaugh resistance femi-Nazism on display (VIDEO)

Syndicated radio talk-show host, author and Fox News contributor Ann Coulter is legendary for her unique approach to conservatism. She is a beautiful woman. She is not afraid to show it, as all the covers on all her books reveal that she is a stunning beauty. She is strong-minded, which is probably one of the reasons why she has not yet married, but she is also a practicing Roman Catholic, and extremely forthright about her views.

Law Professor Pens NY Times Article Warning His Sons to Be Suspicious of White People

He wrote that he will teach his boys suspicion, distrust and to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible. Yankah is speaking the rhetoric of victimhood and, by so doing, drives a wedge of resentment and hatred between the races, which will further divide America and end very badly for everyone, regardless of race. [...]