
Wikileaks US Embassy cable warned of Smartmatic link to Venezuela

*****News Topic 168***** Classified US Embassy Cable Proves Smartmatic’s Connection to Venezuela Classified US Embassy Cable Proves Smartmatic’s Connection to Venezuela Copyright .© Paul Craig Roberts 2019.- Please contact us for information on syndication rights. This site offers factual information and viewpoints that might be useful in arriving at an understanding of the events of […]

Maduro to Americans: You are bigger than Trump, don’t let him start ‘Vietnam’ war against Venezuela

Via RT

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on the people in the US to deter the Trump administration from putting boots on the ground in Venezuela, warning that any intervention would backfire leading to new Vietnam-like disaster.
In his first direct message to the American people, the Venezuelan leader urged them to stop the US government from entangling the nation in a pointless and inherently doomed military adventure.

Ron Paul asks, ‘Is Trump seriously considering attacking Venezuela?’

For Ron Paul, there is something unsettling about how President Trump has surrounded himself with generals.
According to Paul, from Trump’s defense secretary to his national security advisor to his White House chief of staff, the POTUS looks to senior military officers to fill key positions that have been customarily filled by civilians. He’s surrounded by generals and threatens war at the drop of a hat.