Velvet Underground

The Occult History of Punk Music – John Adams on JaysAnalysis

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Musician and researcher John Adams of The Afternoon Commute joins me to divulge new details in relation to his ongoing series with researcher Nino on the secret history of punk music. Arising from the psychedelic genre and the 60s counter-culture (so-called) movements, punk became an iconic sub-genre that would eventually have a tremendous impact on “youth culture” through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into today.

The Occult History of Punk Music – John Adams on JaysAnalysis (Half)

This is the free half of a full talk which can be obtained at JaysAnalysis by subscribing at the PayPal links below.  Musician and researcher John Adams of The Afternoon Commute joins me to divulge new details in relation to his ongoing series with researcher Nino on the secret history of punk music. Arising from the psychedelic genre and the 60s counter-culture (so-called) movements, punk became an iconic sub-genre that would eventually have a tremendous impact on “youth culture” through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into today.

A Very Different Lou Reed From The Guy I Knew

A couple of days ago a book came in the mail. Before I retired from Warner Bros, books used to come in the mail all the time. They don't any longer. I opened it and it was The Life Of Lou Reed-- Notes From The Velvet Underground by Howard Sounes. Never heard of him. Never heard of the book. But before I put it aside I noticed there was a note. Oh, I had heard of him. It was a note scrawled on a memo sheet thanking me for the interview. Ah...