
Largest Price Increase EVER For Cereal, Fruits, Veggies, And Soups Has Already Occurred And Prices Are Still Rising – One Chart Shows How Dire Food Inflation Has Become As It Worsens Daily

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: While the national media continues to gaslight Americans about how great the economy is doing, despite being in a recession, Americans just ‘can’t see’ it they claim, all the while those same Americans are seeing their grocery bills continue to rise, are being forced to eat more chicken in place […]

Consumer Food Prices Soar Most Since 1974: Prices Rising for Fruits, Veggies, Bread, Eggs, and Pasta

by John Carney, Breitbart: U.S. consumers faced higher prices for food in July, undermining Biden White House claims that inflation ran at zero in the month. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index showed on Thursday that consumer food prices charged by U.S. producers rose two percent in July compared with the previous month. […]

Association: Fruit, Veggie Consumption While Young Reduces Cancer Risk Later

Most people know that fruits and vegetables are essential staples of a healthy diet, and consuming plenty of them have been found to cut the risk of various cancers. However, most of those studies have focused on how fruit and vegetable consumption benefit the health of adults, but we know that a healthy start in life can protect people from diseases later on.