
Ever Hear Of The Amyntor Group? It's Part Of Whitefish, Montana's Quest For World Dominance

That 4 and a half minute video about VEEP was kind of meta and theoretical. This 25 second one from the show gets right down to it; you kind of have to if you only have 25 seconds, right? But, by all means, watch them both; it's Friday night after all.So... you thought the corrupt Debbie Wasserman Schultz version of private prisons was bad? How about an Erik Prince version? They both President Selina Meyer look vaguely appealing-- or relatively appealing anyway.

Tale Of Two Matts-- And The Sex Thing In Politics

What could I possibly have to say about Matt Lauer? I'm not sure if I ever saw him on TV-- and certainly not on the gossipy morning show he did on NBC. He is accused of sexually assaulting a female staffer in 2014 at the Sochi Winter Games. She complained to H.R. on Monday and he was fired on Tuesday night and by this morning it pushed Señor Trumpanzee's antics out of the top news story slots everywhere-- including on Lauer's own show.

Who's The Best Candidate To Clean Out Trump's Filthy Pigsty-- Be It A Man Or A Woman?

Who's going to clean up the disgusting crap Trump and the Republican Party took on America? Electing a Democratic Congress next year will be a start but it won't be enough. America is going to need a smart, strong, capable and determined president in 2020. When Eurystheus ordered Hercules to clean up King Augeas' stables, he only had one day to do it and he altered the course of two rivers-- Alpheus and Peneus-- to get it done.