
Current Covid Vaccines Unlikely to Protect against New Variants in Future, Says SAGE

SAGE has laid the seedbed for more lockdowns in the future, warning that current Covid vaccines are unlikely to protect against new variants of the ever-evolving virus, the eradication of which is "extremely unlikely".
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Cabinet Meets Amid Claims There is “Close to Nil” Chance of Lockdown Ending on June 21st

Boris Johnson is holding talks with his Cabinet today amid reports that there is a "close to nil" chance that lockdown will end on June 21st because of fears over the Indian Covid variant.
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Children Told They Must Continue to Wear Face Masks in Classrooms by Local Authorities in Blackburn and Darwen, Bolton, Lancashire and Sefton

The Indian variant has been used to justify the Government U-turning on ending mask-wearing in the classroom, with areas where the strain is more dominant having been told to keep to the mask mandate in place.
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“The Risk Is That a Small Number of Unvaccinated Idiots Ruin It for Everyone Else,” Says Minister

The Government is considering extending lockdown beyond June 21st to protect those who refuse the vaccine from the Indian variant. According to one minister, some unvaccinated "idiots" risk ruining it for everyone else.
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Boris Confirms “Nothing” is Ruled Out in Responding to Indian Variant. How Worried Should We Be?

Boris Johnson confirmed today that "nothing" is ruled out in responding to the Indian variant including new lockdowns. But does the data show that the variant is anything for us to worry about?
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Health Scientists “Haven’t Seen Any Hint” That Covid Variants Can Fully Evade Vaccines

The Head of the Covid Genomics U.K. Consortium (COG-UK) says there is currently "no hint" of a Covid variant that can fully evade the effectiveness of vaccines. If anything, future variants could be less infectious.
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International Travel Restrictions Likely to Be In Place For Some Time, Says Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has warned that restrictions on international travel should not be lifted too soon because of the "big risk" of importing Covid variants into the UK.
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Vaccine Immunity “Won’t Just Disappear” in Face Of Covid Variants, Says JCVI Member

A member of the JCVI has dismissed claims that the Government's "roadmap" out of lockdown could be "scuppered" by Covid variants as "pessimistic", saying that the immunity gained from vaccines "won’t just disappear".
The post Vaccine Immunity “Won’t Just Disappear” in Face Of Covid Variants, Says JCVI Member appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.