
FDA Takes “Historic Action” Against E-Cigarette Makers and Sellers

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 12 warned 5 e-cigarette manufacturers, including Juul, that they have 2 months to figure out how they’ll prove to the agency that they’ve taken steps to prevent the sale of their products to young people. [1]
Experts say there has been an “epidemic” rise in teen use of e-cigarettes, which are typically sold with liquid nicotine that comes in a variety of tantalizing flavors that appeal to young people.

CDC: The Smoking Rate Dropped to 15% in 2015

Adult smokers in the U.S. are kicking the habit at a rate that researchers haven’t seen in 20 years. The rate of smoking fell to 15% in 2015 due to the biggest 1-year decline in 2 decades.
The rate fell 2 percentage points from 2014, when approximately 17% of adults in a large national survey said they had recently lit up. The last time Americans kicked the habit at that pace was from 1992 to 1993, when the smoking rate dropped 1.5 percentage points, said Brian King of the CDC.

The EU Just Keeps Invading the Tobacco Market

On May 10th, the Conseil d'Etat, the highest administrative court in France, decided to ask for clarifications from the European Union Court of Justice regarding the recent EU Tobacco Products Directive. The directive would require larger health warnings, banning packs with under 20 cigarettes, banning characterizing flavors like menthol or vanilla, standardizing the shape of all packs, and heavily regulating the sale of e-cigarettes. Beyond the obvious restriction of freedom of choice, when does this regulatory action cross the line to restricting free speech?

Denver may Allow Marijuana Use in Cafes, Concerts, Yoga Studios

You can’t smoke cigarettes in a bar, but if some marijuana advocates in Colorado get their way, you’ll soon be able to vape cannabis in one. [1]
In November, Denver, Colorado residents will vote on an initiative that would allow businesses to obtain city permits to create designated areas for using marijuana.
Kayvan S.T. Khalatbari, the lead proponent of the initiative, said in a statement:

Vaping May Be Overriding Efforts to Get Kids to Quit Smoking

Great efforts have been made to get people to quit smoking, and to help them avoid starting. The Great American Smokeout, held every third Thursday in November to encourage people to give up tobacco, began in the 1970’s. Medications like Zyban, Wellbutrin, and Chantix were introduced to help would-be quitters fight their cravings. And in the 1990’s, toll-free quit lines were launched in every state. [1]