Valerie Plame

Good News And Less Good News From New Mexico Primaries Tuesday

Mostly better than Republicans: Pelosi, Schumer, LujanThree predictions: 1- Teresa Leger Fernandez, who just won the Democratic primary in New Mexico's 3rd district (the seat Ben Ray Luján is leaving for his Senate run, will be sworn into Congress next January, if we still have a functioning democracy. The PVI is D+8 and in 2016 Trump was crushed there (36.7% of the vote).

NM-03 Could Be One Of The Most Important Battleground Districts For Progressives In 2020-- If There's A Progressive Running

As you can see from the map above, New Mexico has 3 congressional districts. NM-01 is basically Albuquerque (most of Bernalillo County) and its surroundings in much less populated Sandoval (blue), Torrance (red) and Santa Fe (red) counties. The PVI is D+7 and Obama won it with big margins both times he ran. Hillary didn't do nearly as well but still beat Trump convincingly-- 51.6% to 35.1%.

Why is FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Boiling over Former Speaker Hastert’s Plea Deal?

Former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, founder of Boiling Frogs Post, is boiling mad these days and has launched a campaign to blow the cover off the cover-up of powerful criminals, including pedophiles, operating at the highest levels of the United States government.  The  ACLU calls her a “silenced patriot.”  Edmo

The EyeOpener Report- Spot the Whistleblowers-Follow the (Lack of) Money

If there is one thing that defines our current political era, it is the unprecedented crackdown on government whistleblowers. If the Bush administration’s invocation of the little used State Secrets Privilege to silence those exposing corruption is taken as the beginning point of this era, we have seen a steady progression throughout the past decade, culminating in Obama’s unprecedented war on whistleblowers.

The EyeOpener Report- Blackout: The Media and the Nuclear Spying Cover-up

In June 2003, then-New York Times reporter Judith Miller learnt Valerie Plame’s name along with journalists like Robert Novak and Bob Woodward. From July 2005 to October 2005, Miller spent 85 days in jail for not revealing her sources on Plame to Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury investigation into the Plame affair. Although every aspect of Miller’s imprisonment is strange, by far the strangest is Miller’s continuing refusal to speak out about the real Plame scandal, and that the entire Fitzgerald investigation, including her time in jail, was based on a complete sham.

The EyeOpener Report- Cover Up: The Phony DOJ Investigation into Plamegate

The official story of the “leaking” of Plame’s identity is a sham. Despite the fact that the Department of Justice in general and Fitzgerald’s office and Libby’s lawyers in particular, had been provided with information proving that the real Plamegate scandal had started in 2001 with Grossman’s phone call to his Turkish contacts warning them about Brewster Jennings, nothing at all came of this scandalous information. Instead, one low-ranking neocon was convicted and had his sentence commuted by President Bush for obstruction of justice.