Valerie Jarrett

Deep State’s media arm shows Roseanne the door after she bites the hand

Two months ago, the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) launched a hit reboot of the sitcom series Roseanne.
The series received remarkably wide acclaim, and the admittedly crass comedienne Roseanne Barr aroused quite a bit of attention by portraying herself on this program as a Trump supporter.
Yesterday, the network canceled their own hit program. Why? Because Roseanne tweeted a slur directed at former President Obama’s prima adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

Barack Obama is turning his DC mansion into a command center to impeach President Donald Trump

The former POTUS, and current “organizer and chief”, against Donald Trump is filling up his DC mansion with the attack team that he hopes will take down President Trump and keep his neo-liberal left legacy in tacts.
According to a close family friend, Obama’s goal is to remove President Trump from office by resignation or through his impeachment.