Vaccine Passports

Civil Service Job Advert Confirms Covid Passports Are In Development

Michael Gove is visiting Israel to study possibilities for a Covid passport scheme in Britain. But new civil service job adverts suggest that the development of both digital and non-digital passes is already underway.
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Orange County Govt. Backs Down from Requiring Vaccine Passports, But Will Keep Vaccine Records for Businesses to Implement System

Following backlash, Orange County scrapped its plans for a vaccine passport program to restrict travel, conferences/meetings, concerts, sports, school and more. Their new plan is for businesses to implement the passports that can discriminate against people's health status if they reject vaccines, which is illegal.

Young People Should Not be Strong-Armed Into Getting Vaccinated

We're publishing an original piece today by Bella Wallersteiner, a Senior Parliamentary Assistant, setting out the case against making entry to pubs/clubs/festivals conditional on showing a 'Covid Status Certificate'.
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The Eruption of the Refugee Crisis and the Global Push for Vaccine Passports

The eruption of St. Vincent’s La Soufrière (Sulphur) has provided a unique opportunity to push the envelope in matters of mandatory public health policy, notably mandatory vaccination, vaccine passports, and the mass gathering of biometric data.
The post The Eruption of the Refugee Crisis and the Global Push for Vaccine Passports appeared first on MintPress News.

Former Chief Scientist for Pfizer Makes Shocking Revelations, Says New Vaccines Will Skip Clinical Trials

Yeadon dropped a bombshell when he predicted that those who refuse vaccines will be coerced, and those who are left will be rounded up and thrown into prison camps. He warned that there is no benign explanation for mass vaccination and vaccine passports. [OK, if not benign, then what is the correct adjective? The answer is 'sinister'.]

As Vaccine Passports Are Rolled Out Across the World, What Price Freedom?

Lockdown Sceptics has published an original piece by our in-house technology correspondent about the roll out of vaccine passports around the world and the dire consequences for personal freedom.
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