Vaccine Passports

Open letter to the “Good German” inside of you

Alison Blunt Audio Version New Feature! A bandleader contacted me with regards to confirmed dates in an upcoming tour, asking as to whether I had taken the ‘vaccinations,’ explaining that, ‘the situation in Germany is starting to become “2G” (Geimpft & Genesen = ‘Vaccinated & Recovered’).’ If I am not intending to be injected then …

Sweden’s “Vaccine Passes” should teach us an important lesson.

Don't part-accept irrationality in an effort to be reasonable. Don't try and meet insanity in the middle. Deal only in what you can research and observe yourself. Don't attempt to compromise with the establishment, because they will never compromise back. There is no middle way. Never, EVER, accept part of their narrative on trust.

MITRE: The Military Intelligence Group That Drives The Push For Digital Vaccine Passport In America

This is an absolutely must-read article to understand the meaning of the phrase, "Deep State".  America is being driven by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats clustered in private think-tanks that could not possibly exist in the public sector. All of it is unwittingly funded by taxpayers.