Vaccine efficacy

The Government Thought Publishing the Raw Vaccine Data Was a Good Idea – Until it Wasn’t

The Government started out publishing the raw vaccine data, presumably in the belief they would support the narrative. It wasn't long before it got a nasty surprise as infection rates in the vaccinated soared.
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Vaccine Booster Effectiveness Drops to Zero Within Six Months But Natural Immunity Endures More Than a Year, Study Finds

Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron drops to zero within six months but natural immunity remains robust for at least a year, a new study from Qatar in NEJM has found.
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Re-evaluation of Pfizer Trial Data Shows Zero Efficacy, Say Experts

A group of experts has delved into the Pfizer trial documents released following a U.S. court order and discovered that according to Pfizer's own antibody data the vaccine efficacy in the trial was as low as zero.
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Infection Rates Higher in Triple Vaccinated Than in Unvaccinated Across All Age Groups, UKHSA Data Show

Infection rates are now higher in the triple vaccinated than the unvaccinated across all age groups, UKHSA data show, corresponding to negative vaccine effectiveness across the board.
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Matt Hancock Reveals Hospitalisation Rate of Indian Variant is Just 1% – Half that of the British Variant

Matt Hancock told MPs that 1% of Indian variant cases (126 of 12,383) were hospitalised. That compares to 2% with the British variant over the winter peak, suggesting the scariant is nothing to fear.
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Do SAGE Members Calling for Lockdown to be Extended Beyond June 21st Not Believe the Vaccines Work?

So do the vaccines not work then? That's the impression you'd get from the way various members of SAGE are carrying on, warning of new waves and new variants and the need to delay the end of lockdown even further.
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