vaccine court

Department of Health Acknowledges Death Caused by Gardasil Vaccine

Vaccine Court denied a family'a death claim against Gardasil HPV vaccine, as the court maintained that the deceased woman's arrhythmia could have been preexisting, despite medical records showing onset after the vaccine. They took the case to the Department of Health that instructed the Vaccine Court to compensate the family. This case shows that the Gardasil vaccine can cause death. To date, 271 people have died from reactions to Gardasil, yet mainstream media is silent. [...]

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Seeks to Inform Parents of Vaccine Dangers Before Immunization

Pennsylvania state legislature Senator Mike Folmer is seeking support for a law to require medical professionals to obtain informed consent from parents, which would require that they be told of potential risks associated with the ingredients of vaccines. He also is planning a resolution requesting Congress to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that shields vaccine makers from liability for vaccine injuries and prevents parents from suing for damages.